Proverbs in Light of The Cross; Is Trusting God Practical?

I am writing tonight from beautiful Florida.

I am writing tonight from beautiful Florida.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT

Many years ago, a small church where I was a Bible Worker, had a wealthy member who owned his own business. He told me to do the exact opposite of what the pastor instructed me. I told the wealthy member, “no.” Not just because it contradicted the pastor but it was also just plain wrong.

The wealthy member then threatened me, by saying  most all the money in the church came from him, and if I did not do as he said, he would withdraw his support of the church, and there would go my salary. I told him, “no” again. I also told him his church donations do not support me. God supports me! The wealthy man then became angry and told me to get real and be practical. He claimed he supported me and not God!

You know what really broke my heart? This man was an elder in the church, and here he was telling me God’s promises are not practical or real. I lost a lot of respect for that man, not just for trying to threaten me, but for saying his money was more real and trustworthy than God’s promises.

Sadly the wealthy man left our church, once he realized he could not control us with his money. Not only did the church survive without him, it thrived! While he claimed the church and I could not survive without his money, God richly blessed me more than ever after he left, and the church built a new fellowship hall and several classrooms. All paid for. Years later, when I left to take another assignment, the little church hired another Bible Worker and the church has been growing by leaps and bounds.

Yes, trusting in the Lord with all your heart instead of man’s understanding is a very practical thing to do!


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